Ruby Aura Quartz
Ruby Aura Quartz has one of the most gentle ruby colors you'll see in a crystal. This radiant ruby hue is why it has such powerful love properties like...
Quick Look:
Heart and Root Chakra
Ranges from dark raspberry to bright ruby red, with a thin metallic sheen
Long prismatic columns of smooth crystal a glass surface
3 / 10 Rarity
Discovered in First produced in labs sometime during the 1980s
Mined in Made in many countries across the world
Chinese name: 紅寶石光環石英
What is Ruby Aura Quartz?
Let's clear something up because it's something that confused us when we first learned about Ruby Aura Quartz.
This is not another natural kind of Quartz.
It's just like regular Clear Quartz, but it has been bonded with a blend of gold and silver.
(The exact is ratio is proprietary AKA "Top Secret")
How precious metals are bonded to crystals is a topic for another article though.
Just know that Ruby Aura Quartz does have slightly different properties than true Clear Quartz because of the precious metals.
For example, while regular quartz resonates through all 7 chakras, the Ruby Aura variety has an affinity for the Heart and Root chakra.
But it's true that this crystal's properties and general care are extremely similar to Clear Quartz.
That's true for all of the Aura Quartz actually.
We hope that our short "disclaimer" has helped you understand what Ruby Aura Quartz actually is...
and what it isn't.
Oh. And we also hope the article below helps you learn how to take care of your Ruby Aura Quartz.
General Care for a Ruby Aura Quartz
Like most quartz, this beauty scores a 7 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, which means it's tougher than some (but not all) of your other crystals.
So unless you like scratched crystal... we recommend you keep this one away from your others.
Don't keep it too far away though!
If you haven't seen a piece of tumbled Ruby Aura in a long time, then it might look a bit grey when you find it.
That's because it's sad.
And because it needs to be polished!
How To Clean Your Ruby Aura Quartz Crystal
Guess what?
Your beautiful ruby red rock loves to take baths!
But wait!
Isn't it bonded with gold & silver?
Will soap or vinegar hurt silver?
Neither gold nor silver are hurt by weak acids like vinegar.
Which is great because we don't want to hurt our crystal!
But since neither tumbled nor raw Ruby Aura Quartz is harmed by vinegar...
It's bath time!
...How do you give Ruby Aura Quartz a vinegar bath?
Easy! Just follow these steps:
- Fill a small, cute bowl with warm lemon juice or vinegar.
- Let your piece soak in its little tub for awhile.
- Use a soft cloth and polish your crystal.
- Rinse the stone well under warm water to get rid of the vinegar smell.
Will It Fade?
There are a few crystals don't handle exposure to direct sunlight well and will fade in color.
Amazonite, Brazilian Amethyst, and Sodalite are a few crystals that are sensitive to sunlight.
Real Ruby Aura Quartz will not fade in the sun.
So no need to hide this beautiful piece inside all day -- let it see the sun !
How to Charge Ruby Aura Quartz
There are tons of different ways to charge your Ruby Aura Quartz crystal:
- Dirt Bath
- Salt Bath
- Direct moonlight
- Letting it get struck by lightning.
Oops. We made that last one up.
Due to it's dark red ruby color and slight metallic sheen, we like to have our crystal soak in moonlight.
The silver metallic sheen vibes well with the silver moonlight.
Check If Your Ruby Aura Quartz Is Real
Oddly enough, your main concern shouldn't be whether or not your stone is fake.
It's whether or not you've got the same type of crystal as you think you do!
There are many pink crystals that share a similar look :
Rose Aura Quartz, Pink Opal, Rhodonite, Pink Flourite, and even some varieties of tourmaline.
But if you're confident you haven't mixed up your crystals, let's check you have real Ruby Aura Quartz.
Right off the bat you should try touching your crystal.
Does it feel cool, almost cold to the touch?
That's a great sign!
Now let's do a few more tests.
How To Do a "Fog Test"
If you’re holding a Ruby Aura and want to confirm it’s authenticity... just breath on it.
Yes, I know it sounds weird... but it works!
Real Ruby Aura stone will evaporate your breath almost instanstly.
But if you have a fake, then it'll take more like 5 seconds to evaporate.
The fog test works because most fakes are made from glass, which holds moisture longer than the real stone.
How To Do a "Bubble Test"
The properties of (lead) glass have another weakness, the fake “gemstone” almost always contains bubbles.
By examining your Ruby Aura closely you'll notice any bubbles inside.
Remember that inclusions are not the same as bubbles.
The simple explanation of inclusions is that they are tiny crystals trapped inside a bigger crystal.
Because gemstones take so long to form, they might have tiny crystals inside -- but will never have air trapped inside.
On the flip side, a glass gem without ANY air pockets inside is almost unheard of.
Ruby Aura Quartz Healing Properties
Ruby Aura, is formed by bonding Quartz with gold and silver. Resulting in a deep ruby red colored gem with a slight metallic gleen.
Ruby Aura cleanses the base chakra of old survival issues and abuse, bringing in passion and vitality, and activates the wisdom of the heart.
Spiritually uplifting, it helps open us up to Christ consciousness.
This is a protective crystal against aggression and violence.
In healing, Ruby Aura benefits the endocrine system and is a natural antibiotic for fungal infections and parasites.
Physical Properties
The Ruby Aura Quartz base form is found all around the world in different types of rock like:
- Sedimentary
- Metamorphic
- Igneous
This kind of quartz is resistant to both physical and chemical damage.
Despite it's bonding with metal, Ruby Aura Quartz ranks a rather average 7 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.
This crystal comes in different shades of dark pink such as ruby red, barn red, and indian red.
Regular clear Quartz is one of the most common crystals out there, but Ruby Aura Quartz is not.
Now, we won't exaggerate by saying it's a precious or rare crystal or anything. But it is more rare than regular quartz.
It's less common because bonding gold and silver to the stone isn't really that profitable to do.
But that's good news for us because buying them isn't too expensive!
Smaller stones of Ruby Aura Quartz cost around $3 per carat.
While large, high quality crystal range from $5 - $10 per carat depending on the quality and size crystals.