Dolphin Stone
The pattern on a Dolphin Stone looks like waves crashing on a beach. This beautiful coloring could be why it has such calming properties like...
Quick Look:
Third Eye, Heart, Crown, and Throat Chakra
Combination of different blues, blue-green, gray, or red, with white throughout
Translucent and smooth, with whorls of white veins rising through the base color.
3 / 10 Rarity
Discovered in Discovered in Dominican Republic in 1916
Mined in Barahona in the Dominican Republic is the sole producer
Chinese name: 海紋石
General Care for a Dolphin Stone
How To Clean Your Crystal
The first thing you need to be aware of when figuring out how to clean a Dolphin stone is that it will react strongly to chemicals.
Do not bath your stone in any kind of chemicals.
Although it's great for stones like Watermelon-Tourmaline, a vinegar bath will corrode your Dolphin Stone.
Soaps and detergents even have the possibility to harm your stone. So when it comes time to clean your gem, we recommend a dry cloth or filtered water.
This is a precious stone, and its fragility is the price we pay for its beauty.
Will It Fade?
Although Dolphin Stones are decent hard crystals, they are actually quite sensitive.
When I first came across this blue beauty I thought it's most suitable environment would be a tropical beach...
But what started off the summer as a beautiful deep blue stone ended as a washed out light blue gem. As scientific evidence shows, this gemstone is in fact quite photosensitive.
Check If Your Crystal Is Real
The most basic check: is the seller claiming it's from anywhere but the Dominic Republic? If so, that's not a Dolphin Stone.
Real Dolphin Stones have milky white veins that are white / opaque, and there are no blocky crystals similar like bismuth.
Due to its scarcity, this gemstone is a common target for fakes.
The first and most obvious way to recognize a real crystal from resin by touch: a Dolphin stone will always be cool to the touch.
The other method of faking is to use substitutes. The usual culprits are dyed Howlite, Quartz, or Amazonite. Dyed stones will lack the natural color variation and depth of real Dolphin Stone.
You can tell a crystal has been dyed be looking at the tiny cracks, the dye will gather there and stand out for the rest of the stone.
Dolphin Stone Properties
Healing Properties
Despite being discovered just a few decades ago, Dolphin Stone is known as one of the "spiritual stones" that helps open Earth to new dimensions.
This crystal radiates love, peace, promotes tranquility.
It naturally raises our consciousness and harmonizes body and soul to new vibrations. This harmony allows us effortlessly induce a deeply meditative state.
Spiritually, this gemstone is very empowering -- particulary to women. An earth-healing stone, it connects to the energy of the earth goddess, helping women to reattune to their innate femininity and restoring their connection with nature. Its presense dissolves unseen boundaries that constrain the spiritual self, and guides the soul onto its true pathway in life.
The Dolphin Stone is an excellent stone for those seeking a soulmate, and helps facilitate the healing of past-life relationships and heart trauma.
Psychologically, Dolphin Stone removes self-imposed blockages and constraints. It dissolves self-sabotaging behavior, especially a tendency toward martyrdom, and assists taking control of life. It's particularly useful for alleviating guilt and removing fear.
This is the best benefit of a Dolphin Stone in my opinion, it doesn't let you get in your own way.
Mentally, Dolphin Stone brings serenity and clarity, and constructive thought. It stimulates creativity and encourages "going with the flow."
Emotionally, Dolphin Stone brings calmness and equilibrium. It is an antidote to emotional extremes and ameliorates bipolar disorders. It heals trauma to the heart and reconnects to natural playfulness and joyful childlike energy.
Physical Properties
The hardness of Dolphin Stone is from 4 to 7 on Mohs scale, depending on the crystalline structure of the stone. Generally the more intense blue and green specimens of Dolphin Stone are the hardest, as they have the finest and densest needle structure.
This crystal belongs to the Pectolite family of minerals. It grows in a triclinic crystal structure, with terminating radial or globular masses.
Although there are many colors of Pectolite, the Dolphin variety comes in blue or slightly greenish blue. If more reserves are found, you can expect to see a variety in color.
To throw another animal in the mix, this stone can also exhibit a Cat's eye effect. Under the right condition the stone will display a narrow band of concentrated light going accross the width of the stone.
If semi-precious stones had a contest for best kept secrets, then my vote would go to the Dolphin Stone.
Dolphin Stone deposits have only been found in place in the entire world. A remote mountain range on the island of Hispaniola.
Oh, and they think that the total surface area of the Dolphin Stone deposits covers less than a single square mile.
It doesn't get much more rare than that.
Despite it's incredible rarity, Dolphin Stones average cost is just $10 per carat. The color and quality of the stone will make a difference, but you simply won't get a better price:rarity ratio from any other gem.